The Boston Agunah Taskforce provides research, education and advocacy for women in New England who are seeking a Jewish divorce, or Get. It provides Get support in person and online, and works with the Boston Rabbinical Court to make the process dignified and meaningful. The Taskforce provides legal education to lawyers and judges about the Get process and is conducting research on Get refusal in the Boston area. All services are offered free of charge through a generous grant from the Miriam Fund.

Individual Services
Layah Kranz Lipsker works with the Rabbinical Court of Boston to provide support for women and men in New England who are going through Jewish divorce. This includes in-person support for those whose spouses are refusing to give or receive a Get. Layah is present when the Get is given and is available for private consultation. Contact Layah here.
Rabbi Aryeh Klapper creates legal education classes for family lawyers and judges to educate them on Jewish divorce procedures. To schedule a lunchtime seminar at your firm, or if you would like to join a class to understand the best strategies for preventing and overcoming Get refusal, contact Aryeh here.
Dr. Lisa Fishbayn Joffe is conducting a study of how Jewish people divorce in Boston. Through interviews with women who have gone through the Jewish divorce process, she will determine the role get-based extortion and get refusal plays in the negotiation of divorce and identify best practices for avoiding it. To contact Lisa to learn more about the reseach project, or to invite her to speak to your group, click here.
Dr. Rachel Levmore is available to answer individual questions relating to your Jewish divorce. Rachel holds a PhD in Talmudic and Jewish Law from Bar Ilan University, and is a Rabbinical Court Advocate. Rachel will respond to questions by email, keeping correspondence strictly confidential. To ask your question, contact Rachel here.